
18 March 2017, The Hindu

04 March 2017, Economics Times

28 February 2017, Times Of India

February 2017, Deccan Herald

24 October 2016, The logical Indian

24 September 2016,

24 September 2016, Indian Express

22 September 2016, The Economic Times

18 September 2016, Filter Copy

06 September 2016, The Better India

29 August 2016, India CSR

10 August 2016, Belong

25 July 2016, Milaap

18 July 2016, The Indian Express

18 July 2016, The Optimist Citizen

12 June 2016, Indian Express

05 June 2016, Office Chai

02 June 2016, The News Minute.

27 May 2016, The Indian Express

04 May 2016, The Hindu

04 May 2016, The News Minute

22 April 2016, Josh Talks

15 January 2016, Swadesh

05 January 2016, The Better India

02 November 2015, The Alternative

September 2015, Deccan Herald

05 June 2015, The ViralVent

01 June 2015, Socially Humble

24 May 2015

22 May 2015, Indian Express, Belgavi.

20 May 2015, Indian Express, Belgavi.

13 May 2015, Deccan Herald, Belgavi.

10 May 2015, Belgavi.

06 May 2015, The ViralVent

17 April 2015, City Plus
